Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fridays class

I know its a little after Friday but we were talking about the fall of the Roman Empire and how we are going to have a test on that in class Wednesday that I just got done studying for. Hope I do really well!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Class today!

Today in class we when over the packet that had our homework on it, it was a great discussion then we got into talking about how China now manufactures pretty much everything and thats why our economy is having trouble!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tonights Homework!


Inflation: An increase in prices

Diocletian: a strong willed army leader and son of a slave, became one of Rome's greatest emperors. He tried to restore order and strength in the empire. 

Constantine: One of Rome's greatest emperors, he ended the persecution of Christians. He conquered the eastern & western empires. 

Eastern Empire: Byzantium was located in this half. Later called the Byzantine empire which included most of the great cities and trade centers of the empire.

Western Empire: The Latin speaking side and the more rural west, wasnt great like the East side. 

Constantinople: the capital of Constantine

Huns: A nomadic people from central Asia, feared by most

Attila: Leader of the Huns, wanted to conquer the entire empire and failed.

Leo I: First powerful Pope of Rome, went to Attila's camp causing him and his forces to fall back. 


1) All of their prosperities ended. Trade was bombarded by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes. Rome's gold and silver was drained away to buy luxuries from China, Arabia, and India. They couldn't pay their expenses; coins lost 98% silver and prices were sky high.

2) Soldiers would only fight if they were payed, not for patriotism. To attract recruits into the army, the government promised higher pay. Empires began to get barbarians to fight for them because they would take lower pay but weren't loyal. 

3a) AD 313, he announced an end to the persecution of Christians. He granted "both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose." Milan was the first to allow Christians.

3b) Constantine took over the eastern and western empire. In AD 330, he moved the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium in what is now Turkey. 

4a) They were fleeing the Huns; the Huns kept pushing westward and they felt they needed to follow.

4b) They couldn't get a strong enough army, they couldn't even muster a medium-sized army to stop the barbarians. 

5a) 1. He restored order in the empire & increased its strength
       2. Divided the empire 
       3. Ranked among the greatest emperors.  

5b) 1. Wages for new troops added to the already high taxes
      2. Not all the reforms were totally successful.
       3. Price controls failed

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This Weekend

This weekend I worked on my 500 word essay about the difference between The Roman Empire and The Roman Republic which wasnt too bad although I did have a lot of other homework! I think I did pretty well and cant wait to see what I got!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The class before the last class before the end of the World!

Today in class we took a test and I think I did really well on it! We also talked about the 500 word essay were going and I think that wont be to bad so all and all it was a good class.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Roman Empire vs. Roman Republic

The difference between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic lies primarily in the governing bodies and their relationship to each other.

Paul persecuted Christians then was knocked off his horse blinded and Jesus helped him see and then he spread the word of Jesus

Roman Religion

Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic

Romans had many gods, plus at times th emperor was viewed as a god

AD 66: a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman troops put them down and burned them

Persecution of Christians, Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor

Christians were considered a cult at the beginning, often used for entertainment but even though this was happening Christians grew quickly

We have a test tomorrow!!! Multiple Choice

Roman Republic vs. Roman Empire

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Youtube Movie!

Today in class we watched a movie on Youtube about the Roman empire but there was a twist. This time instead of watching it and taking notes on our computers we took them on PAPER!! I did take notes but I forgot the paper so I cant copy them down I will tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yesterdays Class

Yesterday in class we went over a couple quizzes one that I did good on and one that I didnt do so well on. But I have the answers so I can study for the final exam which is coming up or for any future tests that we will have on the subjects.