Thursday, February 10, 2011

Essay: The Importance of Having a Surplus


         The significance of having a food surplus is very important if your trying to grow a civilization in many ways. The three main reasons that it is important to have a food surplus is so that you have extra food left over and you can sell it or save it for later.
          Surpluses are important because you have more for later so that if you are hunting and gathering maybe you can stay in that area for longer and don't have to move, you can also sell the food and make money, start an economy. Thats how you grow your civilization. Surpluses are also good because say one year you don't grow as many crops, you still have some left over and then your not struggling to survive and you can provide for your family.
         One of the most important things other then finding the best crops to grow in farming would be to have a surplus so you can try to grow new plants and dont have to worry about where your food is going to come from because you already have it. Overall having you need a surplus to be a successful farmer.

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