Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel (continued)

Farming spread all over the world with different food, although farming spread over the large countries that are more advanced. Ineguality all comes down to growing better food. Animal domesticating where humans were controlling where animals moved and breaded. Animals could be used for their milk along with their meat, their fur could be used for clothing as well. Animals would eat the left overs after the harvest and the dung from the animals can fertilize the farms. All animals were used for their meat but then people found other uses for animals. Horses and oxen were used to plow farms but could also be used for many other things. Farmers could grow more food with animals because its can harvest food a lot faster. Newguinea only had pigs which were way less then horse or ox. The best animals to farm is a large plant eating mammal because it doesn't need meat and you can use its power. Asia, Europe and the Middle East is where 13 of the 14 domesticated animals are. Africans couldn't domesticate the elephant but the Asians could used as work animals but they couldn't farm. They could domesticate an elephant because it takes 15 years to mature and reproduce. Animals need to get along with humans to be domesticated, a zebra could be used like a horse but it is hunted by other animals and also have a problem with humans. The 14 domesticated animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, two kinds of camels, water buffalo, llamas, rain deer, mithans, yackes, bali cattle. People in the fertile crest had great animals and farming plants and Papua Newguinea has 0 domesticated animals living there.

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