Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Greece part dos!!

508 B.C. in a town called Athens pandemonium in the streets demanding freedom, one man looked on, a noble men Cleisthenes. He had been brought up to rule the people, but that night would be a turning point in his life and the history of Greece and the people should have the right to govern themselves which Cleistenies agreed. He was born around 470 B.C. told he was an aristocratic. The aristocratic controlled everything in Athens. In the days of his youth it seemed impossible for them to rule an empire. The town was built upon an acropolis. In the narrow streets below were farms and tradesmen and there was nothing called science or medicine. 15 years was a command age to die. Athens hardly seemed a state on the virtue building an empire. Egypt and Persia were perfect to built an empire. Main land Greece had no rivers and was covered with mountains, it was impossible for on person to rule. They were divided into city-states, which all had their own histories. In the south of Greece, Sparta, Spartans were brought up to be warriors and had few possessions. They werent scared of dying because dying was nothing to them, almost better then life. Cleistenes had all the odds against him to build an empire but then again Cleistenes had a great will. If there was on thing that motivated Cleistenes and his people it was their stories. Their stories shaped him from his earlies days, Iliad and Odyssey composed by Homer the poet are two stories still kept to this day. They tell of mighty battles and at their heart lay the hero's, called Epics. They were determined for success at all costs. To purse a life of glory one through strength and power, and to become a real, live hero was how Cleistenes was raised. A tyrant or a great ruler, one day a man rode into Athens with a women Athena, a goddess, he claimed but was just a tall women from a neighboring village. He became the ruler of Athens, Pisistratus, Cleistenes brother-in-law. As he consolidated his rule had far more idea then just ruling, if he wanted to maintain his rule he would have to find allies. He turned to the Athenians for support, he reduced taxes and gave loans by that he began to transform Athens. Olive trees allow people to do so many things, it was very valuable and Athens produced great olives and had a market for them. Greece had great civilizations all around it. Everyone had something to sell, olives, fish, gold and silver. Athenians saw their wealth and prosperity on the rise. Pottery was not important back then but now is worth more. A potter wasn't the scum of Athenian society but didn't have much respect. Potters mad a style still popular today, and vases worth millions of dollars today. Cleistene's grew into a man under Pisistratus rule. Pisistratus died and his son Hippias took over as ruler. Soon Athenians found he was terrible. In the year 514 B.C. Hippias's brother was murdered and he had the murderers killed and killed on of their wifes. Hippias became suspicious of everybody. His son had no cause to do anything, and life with him became very dangerous, and he knew the aristocratic were his biggest threat. Cleistenes tried to overthrow Hippias, which would make him a hero and would be a big achievement and made a plan to take over Athens. Hippias was captured and banned from Athens forever, and Athens began to change.

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