Friday, March 18, 2011

Greece! Part tres!

The ordinary people of Athens took control, they rose up in revolution. Isageous and Spartas run up on the acropolis, the year was 508 B.C. This was the first time they turned on their ruler and took command. Cleistenes was asked to build a government. He had to give the Athenians a way to be able to speak for themselves. The citizens had a meeting where they could address their ideas. The government was not about power it is what is not called democracy! They met every 9 days on stuff like taxes, wars and building roads. A new generation took on his way of ruling. They would defend Athens from Persia and Spartans. 490B.C. Pheidippides made the most estonishing athletic feat ever. Now was our modern day marathon. He ran for survival, Persians were going to attack. Persians were ruled by Darius, known by the Athens as the great king. Some had to cover their mouth so they didn't tant the air he breathed. He ran 140 miles from Athens to Sparta in just two days (AMAZING), help would be refused. Didnt matter the Greeks won! The Persians scattered and slaughtered tons of Greeks in one day. Themistocles

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