Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cant fit through the kitchen door?

Today in class we took ANOTHER pop quiz which I dont think I did so hot on it. I am reviewing the two papers that we had to read and answer questions about. I hope theres nothing to difficult tomorrow in class.

Cant fit through the kitchen door?

Today in class we took ANOTHER pop quiz which I dont think I did so hot on it. I am reviewing the two papers that we had to read and answer questions about. I hope theres nothing to difficult tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tonights definitions and questions!


Consul: the highest elected office of the Roman Republic
Veto: a way of saying "I forbid"
Senate: a political institution in ancient Rome it was one of the most enduring institutions in Roman history.
Assembly: political institutions where the people who had the final say in decisions with the government.
Dictator: is a ruler who has complete control and power but without hereditary ascension such as a monarch.
Mercenary: a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain.


1) a. The plebeians didnt like the government in early Rome because they didnt have many opportunities to do anything like lead an army or be in the government.

  b. Plebeians gained some power and rights when they decided to stop fighting in the army unless the patricians let them be a part of things.

  c. The plebeians made things more equal for all, enslavement by debt was ended and they had a code of laws called the twelve tables.

2) The Romans thought they had a balanced government because they had a little of every government which would make it fair. 

3) The people who had been conquered had different laws so that it was a complete change from what it used to be.

4) a. They were three times as big as Rome, wealthy with a very strong navy.

    b. Warfare was important in Rome, they had a lot of people from Italy they could call on.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tonights Reading

republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body ofcitizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representativeschosen directly or indirectly by them.

gravitas - seriousness or sobriety, as of conduct or speech.

pater familias - was the head of a Roman family

toga - the loose outer garment worn by citizens in public.

patrician - a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat.

plebeian - belonging or pertaining to the common people.

legion - a division of the Roman armyusually comprising 3000 to6000 soldiers.

century - a period of 100 years.

1) Rome is located in Italy on a peninsula surrounded by water, which made it easy to trade and travel and was good protection.

2) The Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans were important to the development of Rome because they all were around Rome and were very civilized which help them all come together.

3) "The ways of the father" was a huge influence on the early Roman society which was based on strength, discipline, and loyalty.

4) a.The ruler of Roman households was the oldest male which was the father of the family, they had total control over everything in the family.
    b. The women were in charge of the household on a daily bases, they had more rights then those in other societies because they could testify in court. They couldnt vote but could help their husband with decisions. 

5) All males had to service in the army, they had to be in the army for 10 years before running for any office and the army was massive and able to beat a phalanx because it was more flexable.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The Olympics were in 776 B.C. and the sports were discus, wrestling and boxing.

In war they had formations like the phallanx that was formed by Greek soldiers called Hoplites.

Greece's biggest rival was the Persians who they fought at Marathon, Gaugamela, Thermopoly and Issus.
They did not fight the Peloponnesian war against the Persians, they fought that against the Spartans when Pericles was in rule. Sparta won and the people first rose up against their ruler in 508 B.C.

 Homer was a blind poet who told of the Illyad and the Odyssey which were probably sung. There were 3 types of columns, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.

The Parthenon was built during the Golden Age of Athens when Pericles was in rule it had Doric columns and a statue of Athena.

 When Pericles took over he wanted 3 things for Athens which was to make Athens the greatest city, strengthen Greek Democracy, and expand the empire. They discussed their ideas in the agora.

 They made pottery which was used for wine, storage and perfume.

 Euclid was the pioneer of Geometry. Archimedes invented the pully system and made the law of displacement. Three Great Philosophers were Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.

Monday, April 18, 2011


"The unexamined life is not worth living!" - Socrates

Alexander the Great

His dad was Philip II and his mom was Olympia. His mom told him that his real father was the Greek God Acilies. By the age of 20 he was already fighting and try to take over the world. In the beginning of the movie there was a scene about how Alexander picked out his horse Eucepehalus and the horse would only let Alexander ride him. The Gaugalela war was very bloody and gross. Before the war started the cut up a bull and went through there guts so they could "predict" who was going to win the war. In the end Darius, alexanders enemy, won even though they were very out numbered. Alexander went through life without ever loosing one battle. Birds of pray would always appear when something monumental happened in Alexanders life. After the war Alexander was the king of Persian Empire and he was loved by all. He welcomed in people who he concord to his Empire. The king Darius was betrayed by his commanders. Alexander then hunted down those commanders and got revenge on all of them and punished them. He had 10 cities named after himself. We then skipped to a part where he is in Hindu Kush where he marched into the "unknown" but he said it was the route to the end of the world. The problem for Alexander was that he wanted to concur the world. He thought that when he went over the Himalayans that there would be the ocean and there would be the end. After it was hard to get over the Himalayans he tried to concur India but his men cant take it anymore and have had enough. After he would not take his army home he was no longer loved by all. The still fight in India and that is where his horse is killed form underneath him. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Movie!!

Today in class we watched a movie on Alexander the Great and the movie was GREAT! It was very gory and realistic! I learned more about Alex and really enjoyed it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Projects Part 4!

The last person to do their project is Katie Cooper and she did it on Greek Philosophers, I would like to ask her, What did Socrates teach? Who was you favorite Philosopher? What were their thoughts on the soul? 92/100

Friday, April 8, 2011

Projects Part 3!

Taylor's project was about Homer and she dressed up in a toga and told one of his famous stories the Odyssey, I would like to ask her, Where did you get your toga? Where did you get the summary from? Do you like the story the Odyssey?
85/100 (it was a little boring)

Billy's project was about the Helleistic Age, I would like to ask him, Who was the leader during the Hellenistic Age? What do you think of the mixed people? Whats your favorite part about the Hellenistic Age?
70/100 not a lot of material

Sarah's project was on the Parthenon, I would like to ask her, Whats your favorite part about the Parthenon? Would you want to go to the replica? Why was Athena the biggest part of the Parthenon?
90/100 good

Catherine's projects was about ancient pottery, I would like to ask her, Whats your favorite type of pottery? Who were some potters? How do you say Chariots?
88/100 Chariots?

Gracie's project was about Greek poetry, I would like to ask her, Would you want to here an old poem? Whats your favorite type of poem? What was your favorite type of play?

Kristy's project was about the trial of Socrates, I would like to ask her, How long did it take you to draw that? Whats the most interesting part of Socrates's trial? Whats a hoplite?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Projects Part 2!

Alyssa's project about Greek war but also had a lot about other things and I would like to ask her, Would you like to be in Alexander the Greats position? Who's army would you rather be in, Sparta or Greece? Who was the greatest war leader of the Greeks? 95/100

Caitlin's project was about Greek theater and was very good, especially the video, I would like to ask her, How long did it take to make the video? Would you like to be in an old Greek play? Who was your favorite Greek actor?96/100

Clarke's project was on Alexander the Great and it was very good, I would like to ask her, Why do you think Alexander died? Do you think it would be hard to rule and empire at 33? Would you look up to Alexander the Great? 90/100

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today Kamau did his project today and I would like to ask him, would you want to live in Sparta when it was brutal? Whats the coolest part about Sparta? and would you make it if you lived in Sparta?
Today Fiona also did her project, I would like to ask her, did you find the peloponnesian war interesting? How long did it take you to find that great video? Who played a main role in the peloponnesian was?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today ayee!!

Today in class we reviewed for Cole what we have gone over and we went over what order the projects would be going and Kamau started to do his but never finished and the whole class you were trashing Billy, so funny!