Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tonights Reading

republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body ofcitizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representativeschosen directly or indirectly by them.

gravitas - seriousness or sobriety, as of conduct or speech.

pater familias - was the head of a Roman family

toga - the loose outer garment worn by citizens in public.

patrician - a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat.

plebeian - belonging or pertaining to the common people.

legion - a division of the Roman armyusually comprising 3000 to6000 soldiers.

century - a period of 100 years.

1) Rome is located in Italy on a peninsula surrounded by water, which made it easy to trade and travel and was good protection.

2) The Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans were important to the development of Rome because they all were around Rome and were very civilized which help them all come together.

3) "The ways of the father" was a huge influence on the early Roman society which was based on strength, discipline, and loyalty.

4) a.The ruler of Roman households was the oldest male which was the father of the family, they had total control over everything in the family.
    b. The women were in charge of the household on a daily bases, they had more rights then those in other societies because they could testify in court. They couldnt vote but could help their husband with decisions. 

5) All males had to service in the army, they had to be in the army for 10 years before running for any office and the army was massive and able to beat a phalanx because it was more flexable.

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