Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tonights definitions and questions!


Consul: the highest elected office of the Roman Republic
Veto: a way of saying "I forbid"
Senate: a political institution in ancient Rome it was one of the most enduring institutions in Roman history.
Assembly: political institutions where the people who had the final say in decisions with the government.
Dictator: is a ruler who has complete control and power but without hereditary ascension such as a monarch.
Mercenary: a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain.


1) a. The plebeians didnt like the government in early Rome because they didnt have many opportunities to do anything like lead an army or be in the government.

  b. Plebeians gained some power and rights when they decided to stop fighting in the army unless the patricians let them be a part of things.

  c. The plebeians made things more equal for all, enslavement by debt was ended and they had a code of laws called the twelve tables.

2) The Romans thought they had a balanced government because they had a little of every government which would make it fair. 

3) The people who had been conquered had different laws so that it was a complete change from what it used to be.

4) a. They were three times as big as Rome, wealthy with a very strong navy.

    b. Warfare was important in Rome, they had a lot of people from Italy they could call on.

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